Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Second Home

Blog 7: Extra Credit

For some people Mother Hubbard's Cupboard is just a place where people that are struggling to make ends meet go to get free food but for many Mother Hubbard's Cupboard is a second home. Throughout the several blogs that I have posted over the last couple of months, I have touched on several aspects of poverty and the patrons that have to deal with this kind of lifestyle. I have shared that some view poverty as a way of life and some see poverty as a choice. Regardless of how you may feel, poverty is happening all around us and we see it everywhere we go but what people don't get to see is how organizations like Mother Hubbard's Cupboard operate. They only know what goes on from what they hear, they don't get to see the inside operation. 

Above I have posted a diagram of the food pantry itself from the inside. From the view it looks small and indeed it is but regardless of how small it may be, it sure does fulfill a large need in our community. This diagram helps get a sense of where things are located throughout the pantry and it also gives you a sense of what kinds of things are there. For the limited amount of space, Mother Hubbard's Cupboard serves approximately 130 patrons within a three-hour time frame. The shelves are practically stacked to the ceiling with cans and boxes of food. Even though space is limited, staff and volunteers find a way every day to make ends meet. If you ask them how it all works they probably wouldn't be able to tell you; it just does.
As patrons struggle to make ends meet, they find themselves here at the pantry every week. After volunteering for the last couple of months, I have realized that for some, even if they didn't have to come to the pantry every week they would still come to help out. Many share so much appreciation towards The HUB that they would easily call it their second home. Not only do the patrons come here for the food and the assistance but also they come here because they are loved and taken care of no matter the situation. The door is open for them at all times. No questions, no entrance forms or evaluations, just a simple smile and a hello. Many express that they wished there were more organizations like The HUB in our community. Regardless, The HUB is fulfilling a need in many people's lives and the community is in a much better place because of it. I firmly believe that as long as there is a need, The HUB will provide. It's a pantry and it's a home. It's a place where you can walk in and place your burdens at the door; At least for a little while.  :)

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